At Nova Grace Productions, we create and deliver dance performances and plays, creative dance workshops, discussions and conversations, to people all over the world with an educational and inclusive purpose.
We work on a mixture of independent and collaborative projects, developing partnerships with other like-minded people and organisations to deliver dance opportunities to those who may not otherwise experience dance.
Founded in 2015 by professional dancers Jenny Logan and Rosy Nevard, Nova Grace Productions has been a platform for all kinds of performances and a supporter of other dance outreach programmes in the UK and abroad.
We are a registered UK charity number 1193784.
Without many generous supporters who give not only financially, but with time, expertise and donated items as well, we would not be able to do the work we do. We would like to say a huge thank you to the following individuals, dance retailers and dance schools for their support:
The Branch family
Tasha Bertrum
Melanie Cox
Mugarura Ivan Stuart
Gillian Toogood
Move Dancewear
Graham School of Dance
Acton Ballet School
South West School of Ballet
Hasland Dance Studios
If you would like to become a supporter or have dance related items to donate to dance organisations abroad, we’d love to hear from you!